So I'm putting off my study mode and on with the exam mode.
Wish me luck!!
And so it has started
Monday, November 24, 2008
Posted by CoNnie at 7:00 AM 0 Diagnosis Made
Labels: EXAM
Letter to Diary.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Dear diary,
Pardon my long hiatus from you the fact that I am writing you this letter shows that I still haven't forgotten about you. Just that now I am intended to share almost every little dirt of my twisted life to everybody that is reading this entry at this moment. And also that the note book that I used to pour my anger/sadness/happiness/musing had been long unable to accommodate my endless ranting.
So 2 more days before the end of the world *cough* I mean my exam. Normal people would be to hectic/anxious to even bother to on their laptop on this very moment. But I guess I am not normal as I does not follows the norm since I am typing this letter to you and not busy remembering/digesting/reading(why do I keep using slash?) that stakes of notes that been terrorizing my bed for the past few weeks. I just cant read anything right now. My brain seems to be dangerously overload with information and desperately needed a break.
I wish can say I'm well prepared for the exam and that what I've read is enough for a mere pass grade. *sigh* I'm pathetic aren't I? Ok la I might wont be that happy if I just get a pass. Coz all my work must have worth more than what I've did right? Right.
That bazooka that hit me last time left a massive hole on my body so now I am walking around with a massive invisible hole as a remembrance of that incident. All I can say that I'm lucky to be able to live through glancing at it every single moment of my crappy day.
Sometimes I wonder that is that alphabet A and that number 4 really is that significant? Is it worth to fight and fuss about? Should I just wave that white flag and surrender willingly to that imaginary opponent? But saying that alone hurts more than actually fall from that war from that imaginary opponent. In fact, if I were to actually do it the past me who worked/fought/bite(kidding!) hard to get the present me into this position that I am standing right would have haunt me and drive me insane until I eat my own guts and die doing it.
So diary I didn't give up. And I'm glad I didn't coz I seems to be getting on my games and my efforts are actually showing some positive results lately. Nowadays passing that notice board that shows that alphabet typed proudly beside my name/matrix number at least could provide me some temporary comfort and joy.
2 more days and counting.
Strange that I've been so fragile these days. Even I couldn't stand myself. Maybe its the stress.
Du'h I saw a pimple!! *freaks out*
yours truly.
Posted by CoNnie at 10:00 PM 1 Diagnosis Made
Labels: Dear Diary, emo me, EXAM
Red Bull Anyone?
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Study week!!!
Yes it is not a typo I really do have only one ONE! bloody week for me to cover/revise/re-read 4 FREAKING modules that consist of mountain of lecture notes and require tons of reference books each. T___________T
How annoying it is to find out that even though you had previously studied until you've vomited/cough/shit(?) out blood and in the end you still had difficulty to remember all those notes? why why WHY?????? ARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~/floor
*slap self*
I mean how hard it is to remember parasympathetic* cause erection and sympathetic* cause ejaculation huh huh?? That's nothing.
But memorizing the mechanism of action, side effects, indication, and not to mention tongue twisting names of more than 15 different types of drug from one ONE! single sympathomimetics* and adrenergic blockers* lecture notes?!! Now that's hell baby!
I'm glad that I didn't choose Pharmacy coz damn I hate Pharmacology!!
Hate it.
Still very very Hate it.
But I know no matter how intense my hatred towards Pharmacology I would still had to go through it and it would still be the most worn out and ugliest text book that I've own due to over usage/flipping/highlighting/sleep on/drools on/spills coffee on. *sigh*
Ok ok gtg, had to pump myself with Red Bull* to spare myself from that unnecessary arrhythmia and diuretic effect of coffee and go study till my brain hypertrophied*.Yes, only for the hard-working people.
Bye. *gulp gulp gulp, Ahhh~*
Random: you like vampire? No I am talking about the incredibulously hawt Edward Cullen* *faint*, but his funny great-great(x100 to infinity and beyond~) great uncle Count Dracula. Haha, ok fine they are not related or do they hmmm?? But anyway the movie is super funny ok. So go laugh your Gluteus Maximus* off.
p/s: Asthmatic people are advise to prepare your inhaler as excessive laughter can cause asthma attack. Laugh at your own risk.
Footnote (according the order of *), coz I am nice enough not to let you lost:
1) No, no this sympathetic doesn't mean that u feeling pity on anybody. So u feeling sympathy DOES NOT cause ejaculation (guys u can breath now) and feeling almost(para) pity wont give u erection too.
2)err. You don't wanna know it. Really wanna know? Ok, it can give you headache. No kidding.
3)Red bull still contain caffeine. whoopadeedo me so happy didn't know that 1,3,7-trimethylxanthine IS caffeine. See this is another reason Pharmacology suck! Interested? Read Red bull.
4)Increase in size of tissue or organ due to enlargement of its cells.
5)Seriously? NEXT.
6)Ass. Not you the word.
Posted by CoNnie at 12:45 AM 0 Diagnosis Made
Labels: Busy me, Crazy talk, EXAM, When randomness attack