teenage dream.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

i love how they switch the song into a male perspective and made it as though it is the sweetest love story ever!

but i think everything sounds more romantic with a piano, no?

Boyce Avenue - Teenage Dream

lets just say this song will be on repeat for the rest of the night.

why everyday should be mother's day

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

On call was not so bad after all! Okay it is probably because after observing two delivery, normal and twin vaginal delivery I decided to went home and manage to sneak in 4hours of sleep before heading to ward again at 7am in an effort to conserve energy for this morning grand ward round that lasted almost 5hours ftw!!!!!11 *pat back for quick thinking*

Back to topic!

Whoever says that childbirth is a beautiful and magical moment is truly delusional. Cause it is not. You'll have difficulty in breathing due to your gigantic belly, you're in shitload of pain from the contraction, other than popping out a baby or two you'll pee, shit, ooze out blood and not to mention spreading your legs in front of 10 or so strangers who'll probably scream back at you when you scream in pain.

I must admit that after observing the twin delivery I was probably mentally scarred cause after the first baby was delivered I promptly texted the bf and tell him that if he decided to marry me, there will be some ground rule about twin. 2am in the morning. 

True story.

However for the sake of the continuity of human race, I am oblige to tell you that childbirth is not all that horrible. Imagine to finally able to put a face to the baby that kicked, moved and grew within your tummy for 9months. to touch, feel, hear your baby's cry and hold the baby on your arms for the first time and instinctively know that you'll do anything, anything for his/she well being. In that instance, your heart swells and all that pain you've just been through is worth it. 

I know this made me one of the delusional people. But to me those moments were the one that made childbirth sacred, beautiful and magical.

Thanks mom for bearing through hours of tremendous pain and raised me to the person that I am now. I promise to do everything in my will to make you proud.

I love you mom.


Saturday, November 20, 2010

will be going for my first on call tomorrow night and i am all nervous and excited over the whole thing. preparing a checklist of what to do during the whole 7pm to 7am.

is it crazy that i need to have on call and cover my assigned bed on a SUNDAY and not to mention i still have ward round at 8am the next morning, which goes on until forever noon AND still have to prepare another case for another round with the specialist at 2.30pm???!!!!!111

don't answer that.

note to self : Caffeine PRN. thank you very much.

blast from the past

Friday, November 19, 2010

no matter how perfect or imperfect your childhood are it is all pure tears, sweat, and blood that really brought you where you are now. Okay, maybe a little sprinkle of luck too.

Hey Ho!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

I pass my exam!

OK *clap* so less one problem to be worry about.
BUT I shouldn't get too excited over the whole deal I still need to pass this semester to get through this year.
and I have O&G and Surgery posting to worry about this semester.
*nervous nail biting*
but hey, one step at a time right?


i got green.

Friday, November 12, 2010

One thing to be relieve about the O & G posting. I didn't get the infamous red ward. Phew that's a relieve. BUT the bad news is my consultant ward rounds will include quite a number of the strictest professors around and though the ward round will only be held 2 days only as oppose to everyday for red ward, this would mean longer rounds.

Standing from 7-12? Just thinking about it made my back feel sore. Hopefully all those physio session is not a waste of time.

Despite all these it would be a lie to say that i am not looking forward to be back to the ward for the new posting. This would be one of the few posting that you actually can have the hands on experience where people are forced to trust you to help them deliver their baby. Even though  frankly speaking i am not one of those girls who will go ooh and aah in sight of a baby and definitely not looking forward watching one coming out from ones vagina but i certainly will give my best for this one.


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

one more paper to go before this torture could end. Then I can finally enjoy my much needed 1 week holiday AND THEN return to hospital for 2 more month of eternal hell we call Obs & Gyn posting.

wee this is so much fun i kenot wait T____T

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