Wake up too early today and the still dreamy me go straight to my wardrobe and plan what to wear to go down for breakfast today. Then I find something really wrong. Why do this hotel room looks so familiar as my room ah?? *rub eyes and blink 10 times*
It is MY room. I'm at KL now. Boo~
I just came back from a 3D3N trip from Penang yesterday. The 6 Hour (!!!) trip back totally worn me out I mean seriously after reach home from Pudu I unpack my mountain of dirty laundry which I know i will break my back washing it, shower (reluctantly shower T___T, 6 hour remember??), then straight away sway into my wonderland as soon as my head reach the pillow-my pillow not some cheap hotel pillow.
But as happy as I am being back to my room, I suddenly come to a realisation that being back to KL means no more good food to fill my stomach. 12 hour post-Penang, I now crave for more Penang food.
So now, I decide to blog about the Penang food to fill in the void in me(cehwah! sounds so damn emo lah pula -___-)
note: This blog contain pictures that can cause excessive drooling. So please prepare towels/tissues/cups/mugs/bowls or whatever to to wipe away or to catch your saliva before moving on. Viewer discretion is advise.
First day
Tambun biscuit. I tell you this iddy-biddy tidbits can be so addictive. It is bite size so that you can easily pop one into your mouth and choose either to chew it or just let it melt in your mouth slowly savouring the taste. Mmmm~ *wipe drools* And please take note that I took great effort to resist myself from eating the whole biscuits and just bite the biscuits in halve just to show you how the content look like okay!!
Eat Or Chien= oyster fried with eggs. They said that Penang Or Chien really nice one but this one doesn't taste thattt good to me. Maybe I go buy at the wrong stall? and boyfriend coldly says that it is not tasty and keep saying that Kuching one is better and served in bigger portion. Uhmm... wonder how it would change my view towards this one or not.
Char Koay Teow. You can find the stall that sell this scathering almost everywhere throughout Penang cooked with different style. About the taste rating is about 5/10 for me lah cause I am not a big fan of fried noodles/koay teow but the fresh prawn that they used. Now that's another thing to talk about.
Prawn that they use in most of the ingredient in penang food are so fresh that it can make your mouth water and might gives you gastrorgasmic just by looking at it. No kidding!! The people of penang seems to master the great skill needed to cook the prawn just right. Not too raw and yet not overly done. cause i hate it when my prawn are still slightly raw cow it got this very gross taste of seafood and if it is too overly cooked the prawn will shrunk and lost its sweet juices. In Penang the prawn that they cooked is just too good that no word can even explain it...its tenderness, the flavour, the sweetness of its juice that flows into your mouth and the sounds of it when you chew it is just simply mind blowing.
Ais Kacang. Or we in
So with that hearty meals I finish my first day at
OMG one day in
Second Day
Woke up reallyyy early so boyfriend and me decide to walk around
Went to Penang Hill. Which is sadly closed down for maintainance. Boo~
Went to snake temple afterward. Forced by boyfriend to see the snake exhibiton.
Went to Gurney Drive. Leg turn no jelly no more after the smells of food. On that time my tummy turn a somersault knowing that it will be well feed again.
Otak-otak. Its big and to a dissapointment it doesnt taste as good as it look. A total waste T________T.
Penang people are so clever that take away the chicken skin, fried it and later sell it to stupid Sabahan people like me who would die to have it. So not only that they gain profit they also become healthier coz they eat skinless chicken mah. Clever right right?? Right.
Day two finish with me being overly fed once again. My tummy start to show some bumps but I sleep with a wide smile on my face that night. Heee~~
Third Day
It is raining on the last day so can't really go anywhere in the morning. Before checking out from the hotel me and Boyfriend go and take a quick bite. boyfriend mumble the name to quickly and pretended not to listen to my question afterward and just continue shoving food into that tiny frame of his. T____T
After the gastrorgasmic experience I had in Penang I can't wait to go again. Hee~
3 Diagnosis Made:
ko ada p timbang ka berat ko baru2??
cilakak punya post..
mo pingsan sia baca (actually i skipped all the cakap2 part. hocuspocus on the pics more whahaha).
ouh shiet. i can hear drum beatings.
LAPAR! demmet.
Wahaha..amazingly my weight stays the same tau O.o!! LOL i was so HAPPY!!
bah skrang bla kta mo p penang g ni??
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