Eighteen Ways

Monday, December 14, 2009

Why I LOVE The Sims.

Go laugh your head out on these mindless murder.

Today is the first day of the third week for this term and I'm already burn out FML.

Can't wait for Friday. It's so important that they make it a holiday.

5 Diagnosis Made:

CaRoL said...

waahahhaa... i like the 'satellite' and 'rally forth' style.. :D

CoNnie said...

@carol: ko tau klu tu Sims ko died due t 'rally forth' da ada telefon. hahaha...

CaRoL Kc said...

ada telefon?? sia te faham =.="

CoNnie said...

tu sims jalan2 bawa telefon I mean.

CaRoL said...

ooo, ok..

oh btw, ofcoz la friday important, because it's awal muharam, muslim's new year..

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